Student Support Services
School Psychologists
Serves students in special education and assist in psychological services for any student on the Edison campus. While their main focus is on students with an individual education plan (I.E.P.), they also perform educational assessments and provide counseling when needed. They can be reached by phone or e-mail:
Tim Bakerx55479
[email protected]
Student Support Psychologist
The student support psychologist provides social/emotional support needed to help at-risk students succeed academically. Mrs. Linda Temple oversees the program for students on a 504 plan and Student Study Teams. She is also available to counsel students who have social/emotional concerns that may be adversely impacting their academic performance. In collaboration with parent support, Mrs. Temple established the Stop In Center for students needing a place to go for counseling. Mrs. Temple plans three parent education nights per year and leads group counseling as needed.
Linda Templex55682
[email protected]
School Counselor
Assists students who are academically struggling in the 11th and 12th grades. The school counselor’s role is to expand the existing guidance services by working with students in need of academic and social-emotional support while in attendance at Edison High School. The counselor will focus on reviewing academic records, identifying and supporting students who are not progressing towards an Edison High School diploma and assisting students with post-secondary plans.
Breanne Sabolx55470
[email protected]
Mental Health Specialist
Provides individual therapeutic services and support to students and may also offer group and family therapy as needed. The Mental Health Specialist monitors and evaluates students and their mental health in order to assess and determine the needs and progress of each student; A comprehensive approach is utilized so each student feels supported in all aspects of their life. The Mental Health Specialist may also collaborate with parents, teachers, and other health care providers to ensure each student is getting the support they need to be successful academically, socially and emotionally. By internal referral only.
Liza McCorklex55106